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Finding Love at Campbell Lodge

Hello lovelies!

I cannot wait to share my new project with you all. I have been working day and night and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, here it goes.

I wrote a book. Not a cookbook or anything lifestyle related. I wrote a romance novel.

I have been a fan of romance since I was sixteen and began stealing my Mom’s Jackie Collins books. Since my teenage years, I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of romance novels. Then, one day characters started to come to me fully formed and fighting to tell their story. I couldn’t seem to shut them up until I wrote it. 

You can find my ebook, Finding Love at Campbell Lodge on Amazon. 

xo Alexandra Taylor

By Alexandra Taylor

Alexandra Taylor is an author, passionate home chef, newbie gardener, and clean beauty enthusiast.
Stick around for book updates, recipes, and adventures in patio gardening.

6 replies on “Finding Love at Campbell Lodge”

Thank you!! Definitely not a walk in the park. Lol Lots of hard work… but honestly the most difficult part was committing to writing every single day. Life so often gets in the way. In the end, it’s so worth it!

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